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Rakkako – Puzzle toy-sculpture


The “Rakkako” name is originated from the letters of a Hungarian word “kirakó” (puzzle).
The initial idea was to create a 3D puzzle toy with a new, unique look that could be a decorative object at the same time.
I think that special objects are required in interiors, which affect straight our mind. Mainly a toy seems to be the most suitable for that. My aim was to create a toy-sculpture that provides people relaxing, leisure, pleasure; so practically it is a meditative object.

I intended to design a special object having something extra; a clever solution that makes it attractive for its future user, and out of use it becomes a sculpture being the integral part of a minimal interior.
Generally traditional paper puzzles become a decoration of a children’s room, or the pieces return into the box. According to my imagination just the opposite would happen with my toy-sculpture. After assembling, Rakkako will be put for example into the central place of a living room.

The object is two-sided, the front and the back sides show different appearance and it has a third hidden inner layer that makes the assembly more difficult and increases the playing time.
Position of the cylinders is seemingly random, but actually this is resulted by a long time designing. Both aesthetics and function are equally important. Cylinders are partially brought to the front- and backside that shows an abstract pattern, in this way a structural element alters to aesthetic element.

In the box of Rakkako the plates and cylinders are mixed, and no guide is added. The assembly starts with the bottom element and needs focused attention to find the proper plates and the cylinders belonging to the holes in those plates. There is a main flow along which we can go on, but we can jumble the plates. Then we have to analyze the situation by logical thought and find the correct site of the cylinders and plates. There is no puzzle schema; we can’t assemble it randomly. We have to exclude the outside world and a new creation will build up between our hands.

To compose the toy-sculpture takes at average 4 hours.

The toy consists of different shaped rectangular plates and cylinders of different sizes. Cylinders cross some plates, so they stabilize the position of the plates, and the holes in the plates determine the places of the cylinders.The toy-sculpture contains cylinders of 12 different diameters and 10 different lengths, altogether 120 pieces and 52 different plates with an extra top and bottom elements.

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